投资服务理念 Investment Philosophy



Investment Scale

Based on the total assets of the investor and the purpose of overseas investment, the investor needs to first determine the overall scale of overseas investment and the timing of investment funds, such as whether it is a one-time investment or a continuous investment.



Expected Investment Returns

Investors must determine the expected returns from overseas investments and their tolerance for investment risks. This will determine the duration of overseas investment, the countries for investment, and the investment products.



Investment Duration

Based on the total assets of the investor and the purpose of overseas investment, investors must determine the duration of overseas investment. This will help in determining the products for overseas investment.



Understanding the Historical Returns of Investment Products

Rational investment products must have a corresponding long history of data as the basis for investment return and risk analysis. The more historical data available, the more accurate the analysis. Before selecting investment products, understanding the historical returns of various investment products can help investors avoid unnecessary investment risks.